Overcome Common Challenges and Develop Key Leadership Skills with Early Career Leadership Development Training Workshops

Overcome Common Challenges and Develop Key Leadership Skills with Early Career Leadership Development Training Workshops

New and early career managers often struggle with developing the skills needed to become effective leaders. While they may have excelled as individual contributors, they may not be equipped to lead and manage a team. Our Early Career Leadership Development Training Workshops are designed to help participants navigate through common challenges and establish key leadership skills necessary for success in their roles.

 Workshop Sessions:

 Day One - Understanding Differences as a Base for Better Leadership: Focuses on the role of the leader in building relationships with team members and understanding oneself and others.

Day Two - Common Challenges Faced by New Managers: Covers topics such as the difference between leadership and management, letting go of the individual contributor identity, finding the right balance between being too soft or too hard, and overcoming imposter syndrome.

Day Three - Basics of Influence and Persuasion: Helps participants recognize their bases of power, understand motivation, and learn how to persuade and influence effectively.

Day Four - The Power of Effective Listening and Feedback: Emphasizes the importance of active listening and providing constructive feedback to improve team performance.

Day Five - New Manager Tips: Covers strategies for bridging generational gaps, setting expectations, overcoming roadblocks, and staying solutions-oriented.

Day Six - Taking a Coaching Approach: Introduces participants to the basics of coaching and helps them develop a coaching mindset to drive success.

Each workshop includes a pre-meeting with leadership to tailor the content to the organization's needs, initial and post-training assessments to measure growth, post-training one-on-ones with each participant to integrate learning into personal growth plans, and a debrief with leadership to discuss the impact of the training.

By attending our Early Career Leadership Development Training Workshops, new and early career managers can overcome common challenges and establish key leadership skills to become effective leaders in their roles.

Contact Us to Book a Workshop Series